Booking a Class for the first time


Follow the steps below if this is the first time booking a class at Sunbury Osteopathy.

If a Sunbury Osteopathy team member has created your account on your behalf and you have received an activation email, you can make a booking by following the steps listed in Booking a Class at Sunbury Osteopathy


  1. On the Sunbury Osteopathy website click the Book An Appointment in the menu, then Pilates and Classes

  2. Under Deals, select one of the Sunbury Osteopathy passes. Be sure to make use of the Free Trial pass!
  3. Fill in your contact details.
    Your email and password will be used to make future bookings as well as manage and view your Class Passes at Sunbury Osteopathy.
  4. Hit Purchase and you will be navigated to your Momence account page

  5. To book a class, follow the steps listed in Booking a Class at Sunbury Osteopathy